понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

decent into the maelstrom

OK, Iapos;ve been having a long hard think (again)�about how much waste there is in the world and what can I�do about it?

I already recycle glass, paper, metal, wood etc... But Iapos;m sure I can do more so Iapos;ve set myself a challenge;

Not to buy anything brand new for the next 12 months - the only exception to this is for loo roll (I only buy recycled),fuel, food and materials I�need for work

I am not enforcing this upon my son, he can buy what he likes with his own money, heapos;s only10 and I donapos;t think itapos;s fair to him.

Today I do need to go shopping for a few bits, blood worm for the toads from my local tropical fish shop, cat food from the local pet shop and minced beef from the butchers for dinner this evening.

Dinner is cottage pie, I stretch it further by adding minced soya to it or lentils and seasonal veg which I buy from the local market and then freeze whatapos;s left for another day.� I hate wasting food, anything I buy that I donapos;t think Iapos;ll use before it goes off I freeze or dehydrate for use later.� Itapos;s great as I usually get a few months where I hardly have to buy any food at all.

I do my best to support local independent businesses even if they do charge more, the quality and service is normally better than the yukky stuff from the supermarket.

As for work, itapos;s a kind of recycling venture anyway, Iapos;m self employed as a seamstress/dressmaker.� I�make medieval inspired gowns, gothic clothing and ritual garments.� Some of them are made from brand new fabrics but lately Iapos;ve started reconstructing garments into other things and Iapos;ll be looking at working more like that than having to buy supplies as brand new. �

Iapos;m hoping to write something every day to monitor progress.�

It will be interesting to see how I get on over the next year.

find community colleges, decent into the maelstrom, decent into madness, decent into hell, decent into floristella, decent into darkness.

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