пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

add military site surplus

The intensive rehearsals are over,
and I can actually sort of enjoy the "after-exams" feeling.
I still have lots of grade 7 and advanced 1 classes though :(

Weapos;ve almost finished the "rising sun" item,
we need to polish up "les slyphides",
and we only need to choreograph the last part of "american graffiti".
I pulled my hamstring in the process of all of this.
Not good.
Oh, and�Theresa was as retarded as ever:

Me: [[[stares at small brown piece of crap on the floor]]]����������"EEEEWWWW... Whatapos;s that."
Sa: "Tsk. Itapos;s just a plaster lah you"����������������[[[gives me the -.- look and flicks the thingy]]]
Me: [[[squints at the "plaster" disbelievingly]]]������������������ "But-- itapos;s...�HALF a MOTH"
Sa: [[[realises I was right]]]���������������� "EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW"�����������������[[[attempts to clean her hand]]]
Me: "Precisely."

I bought Ange a nice chocolate cake from bengawan solo,
which we cut at the esplanade.
without any utensils other then the plastic knife,
we used our hands to eat the cake.
it was obviously unfinished.
Angelyn, being Angelyn,
decided to apply her science knowledge by attempting to do external digestion.
She cut the cake into tiny bits,
claiming that it increases the surface area,
and thus aiding digestion.

Iapos;ve got some photos,
but Iapos;m too lazy to upload them.

I didnapos;t do well for FYEs.
Math was the worst.
F9 D:
Itapos;s definitely going to affect my subject combi choice for next year.
I donapos;t want to go to combined science :(
Core geog, lit elect, bio, chem�please (:

One more thing.
Princess has been sold,
and sheapos;s going to be a mother in the future (:
Iapos;m so happy for her.
I would love to play with Prince again�during the school holidays though.
I hope he doesnapos;t get sold before then.

Alright, ONE more week to the school holidays :D

add military site surplus, add migration url window, add migration site window, add middle name, add microsoft simulator train.

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