вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

birch branch

I am in the stage of sickness where I donapos;t FEEL horrible - but I still sound horrible.
Mike left for Atlanta last night. I always miss him the most on the first night he is away - but I always sleep much better. The only way for me to truly kick a sickness is to get a few nights of good uninterrupted sleep. Last night was amazing. I didnapos;t dream about school for the first time in a long time, I didnapos;t run through any lessons in my head.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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That Iapos;m at home going Big, I have a DVR which means that tv doesnapos;t have to be shitty anymore, Iapos;m going through boxes which have been hidden away so itapos;s kind of like Christmas with stuff I love, I have a bff asleep in my house, im in my house, thereapos;s a cute boy that Iapos;m thinking fondly of (actually, he might even be a man), and I have the day off tomorrow which seems like it will prove to be a day filled with my friends being awesome. Le Sigh.

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du ko so

Sundays are always lovely and relaxing, with this wonderful time something is always on my mind....Monday
Donapos;t get me wrong I enjoy my job.....most of the time. Without it I would have nothing to do, so im thankful I have it.
To me weekends feel like a tease, two lovely days of freedom, then Monday comes and you feel all the time you had - has gone.

The only answer to Mondayitis I can think of is not having hugely late nights and big sleep-ins. For most people thats what the weekends are all about. It effects your sleeping patterns and you get moody and unhappiness to the normal alarm ringing moment.
Not that it is easy on Tuesdays and every other day of the week. But going from early morning to early afternoon wake-up every weekday and weekend is tiring.

I will give it a try and see if the dreed of Monday can be decreased.
Im rather hopefully

xoxo :)�

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direct manipulation

I�just finished watching the Movie Perhaps Love.� It was a bit slow but very pretty.� (But it is a musical in case youapos;re�violently opposed to�those) � I�am so in love with Takeshi Kaneshiro.� I�need to rent some more of his movies.�

I survived my first acupuncture appointment.� I went with Pola Richardson from the Shen Dao Family Wellness.� She was the only one that called me back to say my BCBS covered the acupuncture.�� The needles didnapos;t hurt but they do give you sensation.� Itapos;s an odd feeling, almost like a tugging, wavy feeling.� Weapos;ll see what effect it has on me.�� Iapos;m keeping my fingers crossed.� She said that next appointment we can discuss some chinese herbs she thinks will help me.���� I have four ear seeds in my left ear.� Very strange.�

Tomorrow there will be breakfast and then Hiking� Woot� Hopefully weapos;ll make it further than last week.�

I go walk on the treadmill.� I have lost ten pounds.� Must keep walking.�

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Afraid of an airplane,
Of a car swerving in the lane,
Of a dark cloud too low,
Or being swept away by the undertow,
Of a building tumbling down,
Of the train when itapos;s underground,
Of the icy mountain roads
We have to take to get to the show.

Afraid when the phone rings:
Another breath of life has ceased.
It seems itapos;s just lost so easily.

Itapos;s just now that Iapos;ve found a place where I can breathe,
Itapos;s just now that Iapos;ve found a place where I can sleep.
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excel vb function

I was at knitting last night at knitting group zooming away on the green socks that are now for the younger brother. His birthday was only a week ago. Hush. They are going well. I have enough yarn now (stupid size 11 boy feet -- require more than 100 g of Panda cotton for a pair) and all is right with the world. We had testing this week and I got tons done so I was working on my heel flap. When I finished it, I was turning the heel talking to another woman who was newer to knitting socks.

Her: I canapos;t do the heel when Iapos;m not at home. It takes too much concentration.

Me: I have made enough pairs now that I can turn a heel when out. It really seems like I really have the hang of it. (Pause) Of course, I will probably be smited for saying this.

So I called it. Of course, the actual turning of the heel is beautiful. The problem, as I discovered this morning trying to pick up stitches, is that I canapos;t count. I have a totally different number of rows in the heel flap between the two socks. It doesnapos;t help that itapos;s a stretchy yarn. Itapos;s harder to see. I swear.

So I have ripped that bit back and am now going to add a few more rows before attempting to repeat the process. I will not let overconfidence take hold again.

Otherwise, life is back in the good category. My mood, after 2 or 3 weeks of total chaos, has stabilized at generally happy (except when xerox machines are mentioned, but thatapos;s another story). I am behind in everything but I have a weekend tomorrow and no plans on Sunday except to catch up. And learn how to plug my camera into my computer. And spin. All in all, good fun.

Happy weekend to all

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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The intensive rehearsals are over,
and I can actually sort of enjoy the "after-exams" feeling.
I still have lots of grade 7 and advanced 1 classes though :(

Weapos;ve almost finished the "rising sun" item,
we need to polish up "les slyphides",
and we only need to choreograph the last part of "american graffiti".
I pulled my hamstring in the process of all of this.
Not good.
Oh, and�Theresa was as retarded as ever:

Me: [[[stares at small brown piece of crap on the floor]]]����������"EEEEWWWW... Whatapos;s that."
Sa: "Tsk. Itapos;s just a plaster lah you"����������������[[[gives me the -.- look and flicks the thingy]]]
Me: [[[squints at the "plaster" disbelievingly]]]������������������ "But-- itapos;s...�HALF a MOTH"
Sa: [[[realises I was right]]]���������������� "EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW"�����������������[[[attempts to clean her hand]]]
Me: "Precisely."

I bought Ange a nice chocolate cake from bengawan solo,
which we cut at the esplanade.
without any utensils other then the plastic knife,
we used our hands to eat the cake.
it was obviously unfinished.
Angelyn, being Angelyn,
decided to apply her science knowledge by attempting to do external digestion.
She cut the cake into tiny bits,
claiming that it increases the surface area,
and thus aiding digestion.

Iapos;ve got some photos,
but Iapos;m too lazy to upload them.

I didnapos;t do well for FYEs.
Math was the worst.
F9 D:
Itapos;s definitely going to affect my subject combi choice for next year.
I donapos;t want to go to combined science :(
Core geog, lit elect, bio, chem�please (:

One more thing.
Princess has been sold,
and sheapos;s going to be a mother in the future (:
Iapos;m so happy for her.
I would love to play with Prince again�during the school holidays though.
I hope he doesnapos;t get sold before then.

Alright, ONE more week to the school holidays :D

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve really only posted on pa_waiting room so I suppose here I go.

Name: Chloe
Age: 16
Height: 5apos;9"
CW: 108 lbs
LW: 100 lbs
HW: 125 lbs
GW1: 105 lbs
GW2: 100 lbs
GW3: 95 lbs
GW4: 90 lbs

Iapos;ve been trying really hard to cut back on calories.
Yesterday all I had to eat was 3 potatoe chips, 1 bite of bread and 1 bowl of chilie.
I donapos;t understand how I can be keeping on this weight.
Iapos;ve been 108 for a while now.
I only started really trying hard to lose the last few days, because i had to eat for a month or two to kickstart my metabolism.
I really need to get to at least 100 or I think�I might die x.o
I was 100 in August. It was so good.
But then I started gaining.
I have to have breakfast today so I donapos;t totally freak because I need to eat with my medicine but other than that I donapos;t want to eat.

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Just finished watching Hot Fuzz, gonna be a short review but


The light homoeroticism inherent in the movie was fantastic, the entire movie was well done, witty and interesting showing both the fictional side but also the serious although done in a jokeing manner side of real police work. I thought it was fantastic.

10/10 because it takes a rare comedy to actually make me laugh.

As for the Writers Block suggestion
Who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with Eyore or Tigger. Iapos;m going to say Eyore. While heapos;d be gloomy chances are heapos;s not going to want to chat about it. Heapos;ll just say "Well weapos;re all gonna die" and then possibly go to sleep in the cornor or something whereas Tigger would just want to move and jump and touch things until you would wanna choke the little fucker.

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